Consistency Over Motivation: The Real Secret to Freedom

Hello Freedom Creator,

Let me take you back to a time when I felt completely stuck.

It was late at night. My desk was buried under a mountain of papers and I was staring at a blank screen. I’d been running my family’s business for years managing staff and clients, juggling growth and performance, creating marketing plans, implementing systems, sitting through endless meetings, and constantly putting out fires.

On the surface everything seemed successful.

We had a thriving business and loyal clients.

But inside? I was exhausted. Burnt out.

I was working incredibly hard but I wasn’t moving forward in the way I truly wanted. Sure, I was helping the family business and stepping up when I saw my mother struggling to keep it afloat because I felt like it was my duty as a son.

But I had bigger dreams. Much bigger.

After we sold the business I finally had time to reflect and heal my mind, body, and spirit.

I quickly realized I wanted to build something that was truly mine. I dreamed of a lifestyle that didn’t just pay the bills… but gave me purpose, impact, fulfillment, and freedom. Real meaning driven by a real passion.

I’ll be honest… starting over wasn’t easy with no paycheck coming in.

Every time I thought about launching another venture (the 11th or so), a seed of doubt would creep in…

“Is this the right business model?”

“Is this really the path I’m meant to take?”

“What if I spend all this time working on the wrong thing?”

Sound familiar?

The truth is those thoughts don’t disappear overnight.

But here’s what I learned during that chapter of my life: success isn’t about eliminating fear, doubt, or discomfort. It’s about showing up. It’s about consistency. It’s about discipline.

Especially when you don’t feel like it.

Now that we’re seven letters into this journey, I want to share a powerful truth about making real progress toward the freedom and autonomy you and I crave.

The Myth of Motivation

We’ve been conditioned to believe that motivation is the key to success. That if you want something badly enough, you’ll wake up every day feeling energized and ready to crush your goals.

But the reality is, motivation is fleeting.

Think about the last time you felt truly inspired.

Maybe after watching a powerful video, reading a life-changing book, or hearing an incredible story.

How long did that fire last? A day? A week? Maybe a month?

Motivation can spark action, sure.

But it’s discipline and consistency that keeps the fire burning strong.

The people who succeed in multi-million dollar businesses, lucrative personal brands, and freedom-driven lifestyles aren’t necessarily the most motivated, they’re the ones who show up day after day after day even when the initial excitement fades.

I’ll be real with you: there were plenty of days I didn’t feel like working on this business.

It was easier to stay in my comfort zone even though it wasn’t fulfilling.

But every time I chose to take a step forward I built momentum.

And like compounding interest, that momentum started to become unstoppable.

Why Consistency Is Non-Negotiable

Think of your journey like climbing Mt. Everest.

Woaw. That’s a big journey, right?

At base camp, the peak seems impossibly far away. You might feel unprepared, overwhelmed, or under-equipped for the climb ahead. And those first steps? They’re the hardest.

But as you keep moving something amazing begins to happen: you build strength, find your rhythm, and you shift your mindset from “impossible” to “I’M POSSIBLE.”

That’s the power of discipline and consistency.

When I started this venture I made a promise to myself:

No matter how small the step, I would take it every single day.

No matter how big the challenge, I would face it head-on.

Some days I worked the entire day. I lose track of time building content, refining my strategies and crafting my vision like a swordsman sharpens their sword.

On other days I simply reflect on my progress or let my subconscious mind play my next move. That’s real progress. That’s realistic progress.

It’s not about grand gestures.

It’s about consistent action, day after day, brick by brick.

3 Lessons That Kept Me Going

Here are three lessons I’ve learned that helped me stay consistent even on the toughest days:

Clarity Is Your Compass

When I first started building my personal brand and online business, I lacked clarity.

I knew I wanted to achieve financial freedom but I didn’t know what that actually looked like day to day. I was sold on the dream of working 1-2 hours a day, selling digital products I didn’t even have to create, posting Instagram reels 3 times per week, a couple stories a day, and watch the money roll in while I laugh myself to the bank.

Spoiler Alert: that didn’t happen.

Again, doesn’t this sound familiar?

So I stepped back and got crystal clear on my why, my mission, and my vision.

Everything started to shift after that.

You need to ask yourself: Why do you want this? Is it to control your time? Leave a legacy for your family? Retire your spouse? What is the deep root cause of you wanting to build something online?

When your vision is clear it becomes your anchor.

It keeps your feet on the ground and your eyes forward.

So on those tough days, revisit your mission.

Let it remind you why you started.

Let it remind you who you are.

Small Wins Create Big Momentum

My biggest mistake early on was trying to tackle everything at once.

I wanted instant results and when they didn’t come, I felt defeated.

I felt like I was doing all the right things but I wasn’t getting the financial rewards.

Did I suck this badly?


I realized I’m not following my own cardinal rule when I was growing and and scaling my families company…

I needed to go back to basics and build a strong foundation.

Because a house isn’t built by started on the third floor first. You need to dig up the ground, pour the concrete, and build the frames before you even start building the first floor.

So I stopped chasing the home run and focused on small, manageable steps.

Ask yourself: What’s one thing you can do today to move forward?

Then do that.

Embrace Imperfection

Perfectionism is just procrastination in disguise.

And before you read any further, just know that I am a perfectionist to a fault. I am just wired that way from as early as I can remember. To me, the prize is in the details.

So when I first started creating content I agonized over every detail.

A single Instagram reel took me three hours! I remember thinking to myself over and over what a waste of time this is. How do people do it so easily?

And then I learnt they just put in the reps and stuck with the process.

So looking back I see that “wasted time” as a necessary learning curve.

The truth is you don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get it done.

Start before you’re ready.

The only way to improve is by doing, failing, and doing it again but better.

So, What’s Holding You Back?

Take a moment to reflect:

Are you waiting for the “perfect” moment?

Are you doubting your abilities?

Are you overwhelmed by the size of your goals?

Whatever it is, remember this: You don’t have to have it all figured out. You just need to start and keep going. Most importantly, never stop.

Because consistency compounds.

The work you put in today might not pay off immediately, but over time, those small actions will lead to big results.

Your Next Step

What’s one thing you can do today to move closer to your goals?

Dedicate 30 minutes to your project?

Write down your why?

Take that big first step you’ve been putting off.

Whatever it is, just commit to it. Not tomorrow, not next week — TODAY.

You need to understand that success isn’t reserved for the most talented or motivated.

It’s for the ones who show up, take imperfect action, and keep going.

And you, Freedom Creator, I know you’re one of those people.

You’ve already taken the first step by being here, reading this, and committing to your freedom journey.

Now it’s time to take the next one...

Let’s keep climbing Mt. Everest, together, one step at a time.

Here’s to the big journey ahead.

See you on the next one.

To Your Success and Freedom,
Daniel Purgal
Build Online, Design Your Life, Create Your Freedom