Embrace The Journey: Level Up Your Mindset

Hello Freedom Creator,

I hope you’re starting to feel stronger and more aligned with a sense of purpose and direction on your journey towards freedom and autonomy.

In the past few newsletters we dived into some powerful themes: momentum, action over fear, and building authority.

This week, let’s go another level deeper and talk about the foundation of everything, and a favorite topic of mine:


If there’s one thing I’ve learned after 20 years of entrepreneurship and business, it’s this:

The success of your business is a direct reflection of the way you think, and act.

If you’re serious about building a profitable, freedom-based online business, you need to master the mindset that allows you to get there.

Because here’s the reality:

Building an online business that will take care of your needs for the rest of your life requires a lot more than just practical skills and strategies although those are critical, too.

It requires the right mental game to help you stay focused, to overcome setbacks, and to always push through those inevitable moments of doubt.

Because they will happen.

So in this letter I want to dive into three essential mindset shifts that will help empower you to keep building even when the journey gets challenging and difficult.

Adopt a “Growth Over Fixed” Mindset

Let’s start with one of the most powerful principles: the growth mindset.

Here’s a simple but important idea: Your abilities and intelligence aren’t fixed—they can grow and evolve as you do.

People with a growth mindset believe that with effort and learning, they can improve in any area. Which is one hundred percent true.

They’re open to feedback, they’re not afraid of failure, and they view any setback as an opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve.

Compare that to a fixed mindset where every mistake feels like a personal limitation. A fixed mindset will make you see each challenge as a sign to stop, but a growth mindset will make you ask: “What can I learn from this? What is the best way forward from here?”

Big difference.

Action Step: This week, start paying attention to how you react to setbacks. Every time you face a challenge, consciously decide to see it as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Make “growth over fixed” a mantra in your personal life and business ventures.

You’ll be amazed at how much it transforms the way you approach your problems and the way you begin to view obstacles.

Focus on the Process, Not Just the Results

We all want results: authority, followers, profits, freedom.

But here’s the problem:

If you’re solely fixated on the results it’s easy to get discouraged when they don’t come as quickly as you’d like.

Hard truth: they won’t.

Real success comes from focusing on the process, the day-to-day actions that gradually lead you to where you want to be.

I know it sounds simple but there’s absolute power in shifting your focus to the actions you can control rather than the outcomes you can’t.

When I started building my own online business, I knew it would take time.

So instead of stressing over immediate results, which I admit I did when I started, I focused on consistently delivering value, refining my systems, and learning as I went.

I became a sponge to everything that caught my attention and threw out everything that didn’t align with my mission, vision, and purpose.

And over time, the results began to come naturally.

Action Step: Set one small, process-based goal for yourself this week. Maybe it’s to write one piece of valuable content each day, engage with your audience consistently, or make that next small improvement to your product.

Keep continuing to trust the process and watch the results follow.

Embrace Resilience and Prepare for Setbacks

Let’s be real…

The journey to freedom and success isn’t a smooth, straight line.

It never has nor will it ever be.

There will be setbacks and some days will test your resolve. You might lose followers, face a dip in sales, or hit unexpected obstacles. Or an unexpected life event will take priority over everything else.

Welcome to life.

This is normal and it’s part of every entrepreneur’s story.

When I was scaling my family business there were times when everything seemed to be going against us. Systems were crumbling, clients were demanding, staff was on edge.

At one point, we were razor thin to closing shop all together.

Imagine if we did?

We would have never gotten to the final stages of what almost every business owner dreams of — becoming acquired. The holy grail of your life’s work. The “exit”.

In fact, I probably wouldn’t be writing this letter right now.

But the point is, the key to our success wasn’t avoiding setbacks; it was knowing how to keep going when they happened.

And that’s where resilience comes in.

The people who succeed aren’t those who avoid failure, but those who bounce back stronger every time they face it.

Action Step: Prepare for setbacks by developing a “bounce-back” plan. Ask yourself, “If things don’t go as planned this week, what will I do to regroup and keep moving forward? What can I learn from this to not let it repeat itself in the future?”

Maybe it’s taking a short break, mediating, talking things out with a spouse, friend, or mentor, or finding a deep lesson in the experience.

Whatever it is, make sure you’re prepared to handle obstacles without letting them derail your progress.

The Freedom Creator’s Mindset

At the end of the day, the right mindset is what separates those who dream of freedom from those who actually achieve it.

Here’s a reminder: You have the power to re-frame any situation, focus on the process, and build resilience in the face of challenges.

These are the traits that will make your business and life a success.

And not just today — but for the long haul.

So here’s your over-arching challenge this week:

Choose one of these three mindset shifts to work on intentionally.

Whether it’s embracing growth over fixed, focusing on the process, or building resilience, take one small action that brings you closer to the freedom mindset you want.

Freedom isn’t just a destination, it’s a mindset you carry with you every step of the way.

So keep pushing forward because each mindset shift, no matter how small or big, is bringing you closer to your purpose, impact, fulfillment, and freedom.

Thanks for reading.

I hope you enjoyed this one.

To Your Success and Freedom,
Daniel Purgal
Design Your Life, Create Your Freedom